Sektorový seminár k energetike
Dňa 27. novembra 2014 sa v Bruseli uskutoční sektorový seminár venovaný aktuálne pripravovaným projektom z oblasti energetiky, financovaným z prostriedkov EÚ v regióne Balkánu. Môžu sa ho z účastniť firmy z členských krajín EÚ vrátane SR, pôsobiace v danej oblasti, so zameraním na rôzne druhy energií (solárna, veterná, vodná, nukleárna). Seminár je jedinečnou platformou pre získanie informácií o projektoch a pre nadviazanie kontaktov, príp. dohodnutie spolupráce s firmami z in ých členských krajín EÚ.
Slovinsko | 9. ročník plynového fóra v Ľubľane
V dňoch 7. - 8. októbra sa uskutoční v Ľubľane 9. ročník plynového fóra (GAS FORUM), ktorého organizátorom je ENERGY COMMUNITY so sídlom vo Viedni. Očakáva sa diskusia o riešení súčasných problémov v oblasti voľného trhu s energiou v rámci EÚ, možnosti diverzifikácie dodávok.
Slovenia: Revoz plans to expand its workforce by around 450 people
Oct 03, 2014 Slovenia's, Renault-owned carmaker, Revoz announced on Wednesday it would expand its workforce by around 450 to meet the production needs for the new Twingo and the four-seat Smart.
The Novo mesto-based plant which presently operates in two shifts, will add in December an extra half-shift during the night and plans to increase daily production from slightly over 600 to around 800 vehicles.Currently, the company employs 2,400 people after it introduced another half-shift in the first half of the year reports Slovenia Times.
Slovenia's Gorenje has started collecting binding bids for a five-year bond
Oct 02, 2014
Slovenia's household appliance maker Gorenje has started collecting binding bids for a five-year bond issue worth EUR 50m, with which the Velenje-based company wants to further improve its financing structure, Gorenje said in a press release on Tuesday.The company is looking to diversify the long-term sources of financing, which are currently limited mainly to banks. The issue has been met with positive response from investors, Gorenje said.The nominal value of the issue with a maturity on 10 October 2019 is EUR 50m, while the threshold has been set at EUR 10m. The annual interest rate has been fixed at 3.85%.Gorenje will collect binding bids for the issue between 1 and 6 October, according to the press release.With the bond issue, Gorenje has joined energy company Petrol and the NLB bank, which issued EUR 265m and EUR 300m worth of bonds without state guarantee in June reports Slovenia Times